Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kimochi Warui

"Kimochi warui" is a Japanese phrase. The literal translation is "bad feeling". Kimochi means feeling, sensation or mood. Warui means bad or inferior. It is much more than that, though. It includes "creepy feeling", "feeling oogy inside", etc.

Kind of like Morgan Freeman dating his granddaughter.

Or the movie "Spanking the Monkey".

You know, anything that makes you say "eeewwwww".

But like a bad car accident, sometimes you just have to take a second look to make sure what you are seeing is really as bad as you think it is. And usually, it is.

After many years of lamenting cracked, dry heels no matter how much I pumiced and slathered on heel cream I discovered this nifty little gadget. In less than 15 minutes I had smooth, excellent heels. I have been enjoying them and the increased lifespan of pantyhose for the last few months.

For some reason I opened up the little gadget (you would have to eventually I suppose) and the heel shavings inside looked just like grated parmesan cheese. It was oddly fascinating in a way that made me want to vomit.

Rick opined that it looked like sauerkraut but the bits weren't long and stringy.

So I cleaned it all out and put it in the long plastic bag the newspaper came in and stuck it in the bathroom trash can.

Later I had to take another look. It looked like a little bird's nest made out of coconut. For just a moment I wanted to take it out and save it and make something with it. The possibilities were endless. I could add toenail clippings, hair from the shower...

But wait. No. That would put me in the company of people I would rather not be associated with.

You get the idea.

Take the garbage out!

So I did.