Tuesday, May 18, 2010


My older sister sent me this picture of a moth she found outside her door. It made me think of something that goes on in our house nearly every night. I call it "mothing". Let me explain.

I like to read in bed.

I have a nice light that adjusts so my book is illuminated but not much else.

My date goes to sleep before I do so I politely angle the light so as to give him maximum darkness.

So what does he do? He turns toward the light to go to sleep. It is so annoying. I feel like I have to turn the light off sooner than I would like to. Actually, that is not really the most annoying part.

That would be the honor shared by two other things he does while mothing. One is he holds on to my arm and as he has his hypnagogic twitches he will suddenly grab my arm with a great deal of pressure and that HURTS.

"Just a love squeeze, honey. I promise I won't do it again. But you made me do it."

The other is that he has his head about six inches away from my face while he is mothing and when he coughs or clears his throat, it's right in my face.

Of course he doesn't mean to do this (or so he says).

At least he doesn't talk in his sleep like this guy does.

Say goodnight, Gracie.
